Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is drug trafficing really...NEW?

I read a commentary from the grits for breakfast blog. It was about the Mexican drug trafficking wars spilling onto Texas soil. The author thinks that it is being naïve to think that drug trafficking hasn’t been going on for a while. He states that because it has been going on for so long that the organizations are deeply rooted into the big cities. Building a wall would do absolutely nothing to stop drug traffickers. The author also makes the claim that building a wall cannot keep what is already here out. Mexican war isn’t going to spill over it is not like spilling a soda. He also makes a good point, who is going to watch these new video cameras? Volunteers? We would spend money waiting for a war that’s not going to happen on the boarders.
He makes very good points and made me see his view very clearly. I completely agree that America is being naïve in the fact that they think the wars are just going to spill over into Texas land. He makes very good points by stating the ways that drug traffickers have succeeded in trafficking over the borders. I feel that this commentary was intended to inform the readers of the stupidity and naivety of building a wall to keep out what is already here. I think it was intended for republicans to see the other side or for democrats to read it and agree. I feel that this author is very informed and he seems to know what he is talking about. His writing is persuasive and informative. I want to believe what he is saying.

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