Monday, March 1, 2010

Primary Shout Out

I read an editorial on Austin American Statesman about the primary that will be going on, on Tuesday March second. It endorses candidates for the both the republicans and the democrats. Its intended audience is the Texas voters. The author seems to be favoring republicans and specifically Kay Bailey Hutchison. He believes that she has better priorities than Perry does right now. I agree that she would make an excellent governor and that her goals of improving public school and making higher education more affordable would be fabulous. The author also endorses former Houston Mayor Bill White for the Democratic Party but did not say too much about him. The author wrote this editorial as an endorsement for the primary that will be happening tomorrow. Although I do not know who the author is he seems fairly credible. Most of his facts came from interviews or the internet. Because there are not many facts I can not come to a reasonable conclusion on his credibility but I will give him or her the benefit of the doubt. I do know that he is ready for another governor and he is favoring Kay Bailey Hutchison. I came to the conclusion he favors her more because he talked the most about her and liked her opinions on how to improve Austin. I like Kay Bailey Hutchison and I wish her the best tomorrow but I to agree it is time for a new governor. I feel that is was an ok editorial, nothing special. It could have used more facts on the other candidates or just been longer in general. to me it was more of a shout out for the primary than an editorial.

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